Annual Hells Canyon Work Party-Saturday, April 22nd, 8 AM Pacific Time

Annual Hells Canyon Work Party-Saturday, April 22nd, 8 AM Pacific Time

Annual Hells Canyon Work Party-Saturday, April 22nd, 8 AM Pacific Time

The Annual Hells Canyon Work Party is scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd.  We will be performing maintenance on the Dug Bar (OR8) airstrip and if we have enough capable & willing pilots we will also do the same on several of the other nearby airstrips in the Canyon.  First, we will all meet up at Dug Bar at 8 AM (Pacific Time) and go over the tasks to be accomplished along with safety issues.


Some of the tasks that we would like to accomplish include weed eating and raking runway markers and windsock areas, as well as painting some of the runway markers.  We will be mowing runways, taxiways and parking areas as well as installing new windsocks.  I would encourage folks to bring the following:


  • leather boots
  • gloves
  • eye and skin protection
  • weed eater & fuel
  • rake
  • shovel
After the 8 AM briefing, folks will go to work.  When folks are done and return to Dug Bar (at or about noon),  cold sandwiches, chips, drinks, cookies and fruit will be provided to all the participants.
It would be great if you could email one of us before hand so we can get a head count…don’t want anyone going away hungry!
In the past this has been a popular event, which means there could be a lot of aircraft in the Canyon.  Please transmit on 122.9 and be vigilant of other aircraft.
Please don’t fly on the “deck” as other folks (hikers, horsemen and boaters) are also in the Canyon for a fun day of recreation.
And lastly, like other work parties, this is a weather dependent event.  Check out our new weather station and two webcams located on the Idaho side, a short half mile below the Dug Bar airstrip that can be seen on the IAA website.  

And most importantly, remember there are power-lines crossing the Snake River about 2-3 miles north (downriver) of Dug Bar.

***NOTE:  This is scheduled for 8 AM PACIFIC TIME***

Bill Ables
[email protected]
Additional Contact Information:
Aaron Hassemer
[email protected]


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