Airport Identifier:
-114.5592542Located roughly 30 miles west of Salmon, Idaho
Recommend landing runway 03 (there is a slight slope up towards the NE) and departing runway 21 if weather and wind conditions allow.
A fire pit is close to the windsock and parking area. Yellowjacket lake is about 1.5 miles and walkable (although quite a trek).
AIRPORT REMARKS: Unattended. No winter maintenance. Recommend use only by mt proficient pilots. Ck acft performance for high density alt (DA). Overfly the airfield first and ensure no wildlife are on the runway. Airfield located in high mt valley and surrounded by timbered and high mountain peaks. This is the highest elev backcountry airfield in Idaho at 8250´ MSL.
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 122.9Airstrip Features:
Primitive Classification
Airstrips have basic navigational aids such as windsocks and runway markers and some limited user facilities. Typically located in remote settings but may be accessed by low-standard road.
Primary Runway:
Dirt/gravelAirstrip Manager:Dan Connor, Idaho Div. Of Aero |
District:#6 Salmon Challis |
District Director:Richard Williams |
No pilot reports to show at this time.