IAA Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting and BBQ at the Nampa Airport

IAA Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting and BBQ at the Nampa Airport

Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting and BBQ at the Nampa Airport (KMAN) on Tuesday, Sept. 13th

Fall is right around the corner and it’s time to relaunch our regular Treasure Valley Chapter meetings!  Join us for a Drive In Meeting and BBQ at the Nampa Airport(KMAN).

Nampa Airport has recently announced a series of pavement maintenance ramp and runway closures for September, so please plan on joining us by driving in. The east ramp and taxiways where the event will be held are open for vehicle traffic on 9/13.
DO NOT plan on flying in as the runway will be closed on 9/13.

To access hangar 2355 (the BBQ/meeting location) please use the parking lot / gate area east of the Warhawk museum. You can park there and an IAA volunteer will be staffing the gate to shuttle you in. If no attendant is there please call or text 208-867-4600 and we will get someone right out to you. Picnic tables will be set up for dinner but you may consider bringing a chair.

If you have any questions or have not RSVP’d for the event please contact John Davis at 208-867-4600 via text or phone call.

There will be a special presentation on “Backcountry Flying Survival Kits”. Come and learn more about what should go into a well thought out kit and what other aviators are doing/carrying in their survival kits.

The Treasure Valley BBQ crew will be serving burgers and brats with all the fixings. A generous donor has funded this month’s BBQ, so no cost.  Come and join us for some good hangar flying, the three BBB’s (burgers, brats and a beer) and an update on a great little airport in our backyard.

  • Location: Hangar 2355 Nampa Airport
  • Time: 6:30-8:30pm – social hour 6:30, dinner 7, presentation 7:30-8
  • Date: Tuesday September 13, 2022
  • RSVP: text 208-867-4600 or email [email protected] with an RSVP so we know how many brats we need.
  • Access: We will have a gate monitor at the gate east of the Warhawk for drive in access.
  • Things to Bring: A patio or camp chair to sit in…

Save the Dates: Please “save the dates” for our upcoming fall schedule of TV chapter meetings and events:

Tuesday 9/13 6:30-8:30pm: Wilderness Survival Kit Contents
Tuesday 10/11 time/location TBA: Local Airport Manager Presentations
Tuesday 11/8 time/location TBA: Recreational Aviation Foundation Presentation
Friday Dec 2nd 6:30pm: Holiday Party and Dinner – location TBA

We look forward to a beautiful COOL late summer night, some good hamburgers and brats and the company of our fellow association members/aviators.

We hope to see you at an IAA TV Chapter event this fall!


John Davis, District #3 Director