Treasure Valley Chapter Holiday Party and Dinner on Friday, Dec. 2nd
Treasure Valley Holiday Party and Dinner on Friday, Dec. 2nd
The IAA Holiday Party at Nampa Airport is coming fast. Ticket purchase is now open and available 24/7 through Eventbrite at:
To be sure you and your guest have a meal, please pre-purchase tickets…as in past years we will not be selling tickets at the door due to catering constraints. And remember all the great things that $75 ticket buys you:
- Catered tri-tip or salmon dinner with dessert and appetizers – but definitely not in that order
- Hosted bar with cocktails and wine/beer courtesy of IAA – yes that means the IAA is buying your drinks for this event… Merry Christmas!
- The joy of spending the evening with your aviation friends and family (well at least those who purchased tickets in advance)
- Door prizes including several scenic balloon rides, avgas gift cards, an IPAD mini so you will never get lost or bored, aviation headsets, aviation apparel and stocking stuffers, faa medical exam – over 30 fabulous gifts and prizes in total
- No need to put on your best tuxedo, smoking jacket or little party dress and heels… unless of course you want to… casual dress… we are all friends here after all.
What a value…what an event… come and join us Friday December 2nd at 6pm at Nampa Municipal Airport.
Parking/shuttle service from the gate east of the Warhawk museum to Hangar 2040 where all the festivities are located. Call or text 208-867-4600 if you get lost or the shuttle isn’t there.
- Location: TJ Kemp’s beautiful hangar #2040 (NE corner – last row before the hangars under construction) at Nampa Municipal Airport
- Time: 6:00 PM Cocktail Hour and Appetizers 7:00 PM Dinner and Fabulous Raffle
- Date: Friday December 2, 2022
- Agenda: PARTY!!!
Hope to see you all there.
Save the Future Dates:
Please “save the dates” for our upcoming fall schedule of TV chapter meetings and events:
- Tuesday 1/10/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA
- Tuesday 2/14/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA
- Tuesday 3/14/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA
The chapter does not meet April through August in recognition of special fly out events and the busy aviation/personal calendars during those months.