Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10th

Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10th

Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10th

Please join us Tuesday evening January 10th at 6:30pm for our 1st 2023 Treasure Valley Chapter Meeting. We will convene at hangar 2355 on the east side of the Nampa airport. Our typical burgers and brats BBQ ($10 per person suggested donation) will be served.

The leadership of the Civil Air Patrol Nampa Squadron will be joining us with a presentation on the CAP mission and what’s happening in the Nampa Squadron. To gain access use the gate across from the Warhawk museum. An IAA member will be there to escort you in… if you run into any trouble text or call John Davis at 208-867-4600 for access. This will be our 1st of 3 chapter meetings for early 2023. The chapter meets on the 2nd Tuesday of Jan/Feb/Mar and then again Sept/Oct/Nov… mark your 2023 calendar to “save the dates” and come join us for some camaraderie, burger and brats and an aviation related educational presentation.

  • Location: Hangar 2355 East Side Nampa Municipal Airport
  • Time: 6:30pm
  • Date: Tuesday January 10, 2023
  • Agenda: Burgers and Brats BBQ and Presentation by Nampa Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol

Please save the dates and join us as you can.

Save the Future Dates: Please “save the dates” for our upcoming fall schedule of TV chapter meetings and events:

  • Tuesday 2/14/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA
  • Tuesday 3/14/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA
  • Tuesday 9/12/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA
  • Tuesday10/10/23 6:30pm / location and presenter TBA

    Organizer:                           John Davis
    Organizer Phone:             208-867-4600
    Organizer Email:               [email protected]

The chapter does not meet April through August in recognition of special fly out events and the busy aviation/personal calendars during those months.