Wallowa County Fly-In Breakfast & Air Show, Joseph OR (KJSY)
Wallowa County Fly-In Breakfast & Air Show, Joseph OR (KJSY)
Friday, 5:30 pm there will be a banquet with a no-host bar, auctions and live band. Cost $30/person. Tickets at the gate or www.WallowaCountyFlyin.com.
Saturday the gates open at 7 am. Admission is $5.00 (under 10 free w/adult). Pancake Breakfast $10.00 (under 10 free w/adult).
Educational Hangar, Static Displays, Airplane Rides, Airshow!
Check www.WallowaCountyFlyin.com for more information.
Pilots check https://www.neoafoundation.org/pilot-info/ for NOTAM and parking info.
Wallowa County Fly-In Breakfast & Air Show, Joseph OR (KJSY)
Organizer Bill AblesOrganizer Phone